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Inspired by Edgar Cayce and Thomas Edison, Dr.Illington’s investments led to a scholarly understanding of historic perfumes based on rare Arabic and Al-Kindi/Yaqub ibn Ishaq al-Kindi sources ( 801-873 CE). Today, Parfums J’Aree Hage’ celebrates Middle Eastern influences upon the development of historic French and global perfumery through an innovative range of perfume product designs.

Hage’ ‘s personal collection of  rare manuscripts  has influenced a range of  designs including Lady of Shallot Pre-Raphaelite  1850 Parfum


A feast for the senses: Kashmar Persia 1440 AD Parfum features hand painted historic Persian motifs  

Lady of Shallot Pre-Raphaelite  1850 Parfum

© 2018 Parfums J'Aree Hage'

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